Enjoy my random museings on life.

Monday, January 31, 2005

The last week

So it's been a long time since i've talked at you, most of you prolly haven't missed it, but hey, now i'm going to update you on some randomness that's happened over the last 10 days.

Despite a few minor bumps Radford was a lot of fun, Melissa's got some awesome friends and i always have fun with her. While I was there I cooked dinner and due to a minor lack of foresight didn't have any of the recipes that I'm comfortable doing down there, so I found my new favorite website. www.recipezaar.com I swear, I've spent hours sorting through recipes people have put up getting down right excited about cooking stuff like meat loaf (in the immortal words of Kevin Giffhorn "Meat loaf! It's a loaf of meat! How much better can you get?") I can't wait to try this stuff, I hope my schedual allows me to cook as much as I'd like.

This past weekend was great, Friday I get off of work and get a call from Farrow here's a paraphrasing of it.

F: "Hey, you wanna play beer pong?"
Me: "Yeah sure."
F: "Ok i'm at chadwicks with mikey, he says you need beer, so here's what you're going to do... Go to MD get beer now (editors note: It was 10:40 most MD liquor stores close at 11) Come to Chadwicks, have a beer then we'll play at your place."

So yeah... i run to the liquor store, confident i was going to be 5 min under the gun, luckily i found out that on weekends they can be open till midnight (EN 2: this comes in handly later in the story) I get to Chadwicks, and Farrow and Mikey come out to meet me, Mikey's on his phone, with Katy, who aparently is his ex (who knew?). She's on Western Ave complaining that her spine hurts (really wierd thing to hurt if you ask me) so we go pick her up and bring her back to campus. Mikey impressed me by being a man and leaving after 5 min not getting sucked into staying.

Then back at my house we play lots of beer pong, me mostly with Olker. Not my brightest move, cause when you play with someone who doesn't drink... you drink for em. So I was drinking for two (heh pregnant jokes in relation to beerpong is just kinda scary). Then yeah the night hardcore ended with 6 of us (drunk) watching D3: The Mighty Ducks at 1:30am... At that point you kinda look around for a sec thinking "WTF?!?" But then you realize you're with some of your best friends and you realize it's cool.

Saturday morning wasn't so much fun, my head hated me. But work was really good, except for two euthinasias in the last two hours i was there. And then I come home and we go to the Party at the Western House... That party was kinda lame, no one seemed to be having fun, I think alot of it was cause there wasn't alot of loud dance music, so people were able to stand around talking about how crowded, hot and lame it was. When you're able to talk about it you are so much more likely to not enjoy yourself. So the Brandywine house left and took a few people with us. The only problem was... we drank all the beer the night before. But hey, it's 11:45 plenty of time :-) Chris and i make it there with 5 min to spare and they let us in send us to get our own beer from the fridge, and we roll out them locking the door behind us.

The rest of the night was awesome, playing beer pong or foosball (by far the second best thing i brought into our house, ahead of the new tv but behind the beer pong table) Going to steak and egg at 3am, and then staying up watching Napoleon Dynamite and not crashing until 6:30. Sunday was a great cap to the weekend, sleeping till like noon, having a really good lunch with erin and watching the Terps beat their second ranked team in a week. It was great.

One last note... I worked my first morning shift today at work. It was very different. I was by far the most industrious person there, often times being the only one who would do anything but sit behind the desk. But i felt really good about myself and it was slow enough that i had alot of fun. And cheesey e-cards to come home to really can make someone's day. :-)

Anyway that's all for now, I've got to Run to class (yes i've finally figured out when i have my classes) . I'll talk at you later.


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