Enjoy my random museings on life.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Back for the first time

I know it's been a while my friends, thank you for sticking with me, at one point even i had given up hope and decided that this was merely another failed experiment of mine. But then I was talked into giving it one more try (ok so being talked into it really just consisted of someone saying "oh, why don't you give it one more try") So now i've found myself at work with a few minutes of free time, so what the hell.

Over all things have been going really well for me, i'm doing well in school (this week's going to be a bitch and a half though) I've got a job that i love, working with great people, I've got an amazing girlfriend, I'm going to Miami in 10 days and hell it's 68 and sunny outside how can that not make me smile :-)

Anyway my thought for while i'm here at work is that it amazes me how stupid people can be in regards to thier animals... this one dude came in today to get staples removed from his cat, and the last record we had of him was from July. So i assumed that either there was a mistake or the staples were from some other surgery and give the Dr the heads up... but then Dr Rusk comes up to me after the apt and confirmed my fears, they were from July, this poor cat that was supposed to get the staples removed after 10-14 days had them in for 8 months... People are just dumb...

Anyway more entries to come, i promise :-)

Song of the Day: Stuck in the Middle with You - Stealers Wheel


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