Enjoy my random museings on life.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Whirlwind week

lessee.... how to recap...

Saturday March 5th: Day one of the Brandywine Boys "The OC" Marathon... 32hrs and 27 episodes later Olker and Steve have seen every episode... i laugh and say, "Welcome to the Darkside" Olker responds "Welcome to the OC BITCH!!" (i think he's dropped that line once every 6 hrs wether he needs to or not)

Thursday the 10th: Maryland Looses to Clemson for the 3rd time this season... i realize i know way too many Clemson fans and they all need to bite me. My only solace is that i know we'll get farther than them in the NIT... (oh god... Maryland's going to the NIT... :'( )

Friday the 11th: Madam's Organ with Melissa and her friends Connie and Agatha. Good times, the band even dedicated a song to Connie :-)

Saturday the 12th: National Gallery of Art, Museum of Natural History, WWII memorial and other sightseeing adventures with the girls... I love showing off my city. and damn did we do alot of walking... Dinner at Maggiano's, always good times :-)

Sunday the 13th: Lunch at Chipotle (the girls love it and i realize that i don't eat there nearly enough) Shopping in Georgetown was surprisingly fun, maybe a little because we spent like 45 min in a used record store and i found some great stuff.

Monday the 14th: overslept and was an hour late to work... oops

Tuesday the 15th: More shopping (this time ath the columbia mall with melissa and her sisters) the girls played dress up with me and we have a good time (that doesn't make me gay does it?)

Thursday the 17th: Wow what a day...5am wakeup (i'm the only guy who can skip a morning class and have to wake up earlier than usual) to wait in line for Kegs and Eggs... the 3hrs i waited in line were totally worth seeing Carbon Leaf and getting a decent buzz before noon. It's definatly a great way to celebrate St Patricks day. Bonus points for Steve's odd obsession with saying Smithwick’s (the proper way I assure you), Cool people from Indiana to help pass the time waiting in line, and the chick in line for the bathroom at mobile's line "piss and bounce bitch!"
(and that was only half the day)
... Who knew Steak and Egg was open when the sun was out? unless it was only open cause we were slightly drunk... after a quick nap it was off to Miami :-D It might have been 11pm and raining when we got there but we found the beach anyway.
(sidebar... it's the start of the the NCAA tourny... and it's amazing how little i care, this season just hasn't been the same... I filled out a bracket with my dad, but i haven't seen a full game yet... maybe a post will come on this later)

Friday the 18th: Wow... Woke up at noon, rolled out of bed onto the beach 70+ degrees sunny, pleasant water... Men in Speedos to Topless girls ratio 6:3 (i'm loosing the game but it's not an insurmountable lead) Dinner at an amazing Italian Resturant... Melissa tried on a 396$ pair of sunglasses, we accidentally walked into an erotic art store (i swear we thought it was just a print shop...) then drinks and dancing at a bar on south beach :-)

Saturday the 19th: Heh, more of the same, Roll out of bed at noon, great weather warm water... i get crushed in the speedo to topless girls game... final score 22-6... and that was with melissa spotting me the 3 year old... Saturday night I tried honest to god Sushi for only the second or 3rd time and I was amazed with how much i liked it. Saturday night was spent chilling on the beach.

Sunday the 20th: Checkout was way to early... but we did more shopping found some pretty cool stuff, including an awesome thrift store i want to spend like 3hrs in some day... I caved in and bought some new shoes and i found an awesome Miller Light Beer Bucket for only $10.

Just one more quick note about Miami... I've never seen so many exotic cars actually on the street in one city in my life... Ferrari's Mazerati's Lamborghini's Porshe's Shelby Cobra's tricked out Honda's Mustangs and other cars... and spinning rims galore... it was fun.

Anyway, now i'm exhausted I've been up for alot longer than i meant to be. In the next few days i've got a paper to write and i'm gettng my foot operated on tomorrow... I swear i'm going to need my spring break just to recover from all of my friend's spring breaks.



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