Enjoy my random museings on life.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

This National Day of Thanksgiving

I'm thankful for apple pie.
I'm thankful for home made crescent rolls.
I'm thankful for Candied Yams (you know, mashed sweet potatoes with marshmallows baked on top).
I'm thankful that I don't like mashed potatoes.
I'm thankful for Thanksgiving dinner with just the 4 (ok 5, Toby was there) of us.
I'm thankful for my parents (yes even my dad).
I'm thankful for their understanding my schedule (and the need to sleep both before and after dinner).
I'm thankful for my sisters.
I'm thankful for Toby (even then though he's even more funny looking than me).
I'm thankful for the Brandywine Boys (couldn't ask for a better group of housemates, even when we're dirty, anal retentive or never there).
I'm thankful for 4313 Brandywine (despite the fact that it seems to want to fall apart on us).
I'm thankful for the Capcity Alumni group (George, James, JP, Eve, Holly, Mellon et. al. sorry, but I don't have a better name for them).
I'm thankful for the friends that I haven' talked to in far too long (I'm sorry... I really need to get off my ass and call you).
I'm thankful for my boss (but don't tell him that).
I'm thankful for my coworkers.
I'm thankful for my job (yes even with my hours).
I'm thankful for three and a half day weekends.
I'm thankful for Sundays in the fall (Buffalo Billiards and Clarendon Grill).
I'm thankful for the Skins' being fun to watch this year (except for the last few weeks of course).
I'm thankful for afternoons at Camden Yards.
I'm thankful for the first three months of last season (you can't take the fact that we were up on the Yankees and Sox for so long).
I'm thankful for College Basketball (Fear the Turtle).
I'm thankful for "next season."
I'm thankful for heartbreak.
I'm thankful for love.
I'm thankful for "Yellow Ledbetter."
I'm thankful for "Gainesville Rock City."
I'm thankful for "Baba O'Riley."
I'm thankful for "A Space to Share."
I'm thankful for "Wishlist."
I'm thankful for "Walking Contradiction."
I'm thankful for "An Acoustic Evening with Carbon Leaf."
I'm thankful for New Years Eve with Cowboy Mouth (and a few other people).
I'm thankful for my past.
I'm thankful for the fact that the best is yet to come.
But mostly, I'm thankful for Apple Pie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

huny..candied yams and mashed sweet potatoes are two different things....mason dixon indeed :P

1:43 PM


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