Enjoy my random museings on life.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I don't like Mondays... But Friday-Sunday kicks ass

Woke up on the wrong side of the bed this evening... Mostly cause my roommates have taken to heckling me when my alarm goes off and I hit the snooze button... There's nothing like expecting another 5-10 min of sleep and then hearing "Wake the Fuck up!" to make you hate the world grumble grumble grumble I'll get them grumble grumble.

But I suppose that's what comes around after having a weekend as fantastic as mine was. Friday we had a new dryer installed (god I'm lame... I get excited when my house gets a new dryer) and I spent the night out with some people from work. I'd planned on hanging out with them at dinner, maybe catching up with some of the guys at 18th amendment for a drink or two then get to bed at a somewhat reasonable hour.

HA! I become the DD we go downtown to Polly Ester's and have a blast. It was me, Lisa, Sharice, Rachelle, Caitlin, Rory and Big Dave. Pretty weird mix of people yes but hey, when it's 15$ open bar and dancing to cheesy 80's music you really can't go wrong :-) On a side note it's really kinda funny... I hate the 80's; the music, the clothes, the hair styles... I think it all sucks, but every time I go to an 80's night at a club I have a blast. It's probably something about the campiness of it all, singing along to all the songs (hair metal may be lame, but you've got to admit it's so much fun to sing along to "Pour Some Sugar On Me," "Shot through the Heart" and "Here I Go Again") and the fact that it's hard not to dance.

And then to top the night off I ended up back at my place with a girl in my bed. Of course she's engaged and just came to my place to sober up for an hour. And the only reason we weren't in the family room was that some random dude who'd been hanging out with Chris and Robert had passed out on the couch. But whatever, it's still funny.

Saturday I did Dave and Buster's with Farrow and Michelle. That was a lot lot of fun. It's funny in a good way to see him be so... nice to someone. I mean he was even nice to me for most of the day, it was almost sad, cause I certainly gave him crap, especially about the Halloween costume. (I came dressed as him, in the same color tie he wears everyday, a BoSox hat, (that felt kinda dirty to wear) and the blue button down uniform he wears) And despite the suddenness of everything and me not understanding them I think they're really good for each other.

Then JP and Holly's house warming party Saturday night was a lot of fun. The usual suspects were there (with the exception of Farrow and James and Eve... who are usually the most reliable to show when they say they will) and we had good times as usual. Their place is beautiful, it's a 2 bedroom that's only a 20 min walk towards the Van Ness metro stop from my place. I didn't get home until 4:30 which was great because I was having a lot of fun. But it sucked when I woke up.

AT 7:12!!! Yeah that's right after 2 hours my body decided it was ready to be up for the day. This didn't make any sense to me, because at 7am I'm usually so tired all I want to do is sleep. And then by the time I was getting tired enough to fall asleep again, it was time to get showered and ready to go play golf.

Man I miss playing golf regularly. George, Drob, Chenney and I went out to play a place in Waldorf. Everyone played like shit (I shot a god awful 125) but the weather was beautiful and we just screwed around, playing bumper golfcarts and stuff. It was hysterical, especially when Drob got his golf cart up on two wheels and the only thing that saved his ass from flipping over was that he jumped out in time to catch it when it was like 3 ft from the ground. I swore someone was going to meet us after 18 and ask us never to come back. With any luck we'll have one more weekend season to go out. I mean my dad plays until there's snow on the ground, but I have common sense (when it comes to golf anyway).

Then Sunday night was the coup de grace. I'd gotten nice tickets to the Skins' game on eBay and Erin and I went. The seats were awesome, we could read the backs of their jerseys yet we were high enough to actually see the plays. There was a shoving match between a few Eagles and Skins' fans on the steps next to our section and I swear to god, Philly fans are the worst in sports. They're all loud drunken assholes who boo their own team mercilessly, cuss at everyone and just are generally not nice. I mean Yankees fans'll atleast shake your hand and say good game if you've been jawing at each other all game (there might be a hint of personal experience in there). Hell I understand why they do that stupid cheer "E-A-G-L-E-A-S EAGLES!" I'm pretty sure it's because they're so happy they can spell, like a 5 year old they want to show the world. And I must say with some of em it impresses me because I'd have guessed that was beyond their mental capacity (but I'm sure they had to forget where they parked their car to make room for the chant).

Anyway, the Skins kicked ass (it looked like we dominated a lot more than the 17-10 score indicated) and we had a lot of fun. Let me tell you, there's nothing like 90,000 people singing "Hail to the Redskins" (or chanting Eagles suck) in unison. It's just surreal it doesn't matter who you are or who you know you can turn around and hug a complete stranger when you score the go ahead points. (Aside from the weird dude who touched my ears to get my attention and tell me how cool it was that we were winning, he was a little creepy). Clinton Portis gets my game ball for his 67 yards 1 TD and more importantly chasing down and tackling the dude who recovered the fumble and was on his way to returning it for the tieing TD. T.O. came in close second with his dumbassed comments and fight with another Eagle that got him suspended indefinitely from the team. I mean I don't think the Eagles would have won with him, we really did play well and they couldn't run the ball for shit, but the turmoil division in the locker room and just general cancer mindfuck that he has to be as a teammate couldn't have hurt. It was just a great night all round and I'm so glad we could go.

Well, all that, a trip to the dentist and a surprisingly fun and enjoyable hour this afternoon with my Dad brings you pretty much up to date. Heh it was funny when the dentist (who my family is on a first name basis with) told me that he needed another 45 minutes to abuse me some more (my teeth are wincing just thinking about it). Luckily it's been slow as hell tonight because I think my body's punishing me for the pitiful amount of sleep I got Saturday night. And what's even luckier is that the dude who's training me on the low level tech stuff pretty much feels the way I do so he's not feeling teaching me tonight.

But I'm sure tomorrow will be better. Thank you once again for bearing with me loyal readers, one day I swear I will learn how to post without writing a Novella so this won't feel like pulling teeth. But until that day... I'll just plot cruel ways to wake up my roommates at obscene hours.

Goodnight and goodluck


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wake the Fuck Up is my way of being a room mate....seriously wake the fuck up...

5:59 PM


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