Enjoy my random museings on life.

Friday, May 06, 2005

The Evils of New Jersey, Graduation and Ebay...

wow.... Ok so i know i keep promising to update more regularly and i swear one of these days i will hold true... but it doesn't look like today's that day... Life's been pretty crazy lately, of course i'm going to make my usual excuses of being so busy with work and class, but i really just need to when i have a thought put it down here and not worry about the epics i seem to enjoy writing.

First of all i'll start with the biggest "news" i say use quotation marks cause just about everyone knows and well honestly it doesn't really have any effect on anyone. But my parents are moving to New Jersey. The earliest they're giong is Feb '06 more likely they'll be moving in June '06. But Dad's decided that he wants me to move into Maryland now. I really dont' want to move or see the necessity for it because as long as we pay my Spring '06 tuition before they move UMCP won't have a clue that I haven't been living instate. However for some reason this is unacceptable to my father so we're fighting about when i'm going to have to move. He even when as far as to say that he's being considered for a job in Texas that he'd have to move in July for. When I talked to mom about that she laughed and said that she wasn't going to Texas that if he wanted to work there he could but she was staying here. So hopefully we'll resolve this soon and I can stay in DC. My other alternative is to find an apartment just over the DC line near Wisconsin with Farrow... and I'm not sure the world is quite ready for that :-p.

It's kinda funny, this time of year has really messed with me for the last two years. First of all I love spring, it means that summer's just around the corner and I can start wearing shorts, stooping and grillin'. So life's really good from that aspect. But I hate graduation. I'm really happy for all of my friends who are graduating, they've all worked really hard and lord knows the desreve it. I guess it just reminds me of what i'm missing out on, exactly how long it's been since I started college and how I'll be here for a while yet... But it kinda sucks when everyone I live with needs the house to be spotless because they're parents are all comming in to see them walk. Oh well, my day will come and while it may not have the fanfare we have now, but it'll be just as sweet for me.

Finally the evils of Ebay... I'm officially becomming an addict... and it's not healthy. To my wallet anyway. I haven't bought anything out rageous or expensive. Yet. But so far in the last two weeks i've bought two cast scripts for Sports night, a Sports night Emmy video and just today I caved in and bought The O's alternate Cap (the one with the "O's" logo and the orange bill) Damn getting my paycheck and feeling like i have money.... I'm really extatic about everything i got but still i'm worried about this becomming a dangerous addiction, especially if i get Melissa into it :-x

Speaking of Melissa thing's are definatly going amazingly there. I pinned her at formal this year, and we had a spectacular evening. We also went to an O's game with my family that weekend and saw a great game on a beautiful day for a ball game. The next weekend we saw Green Day. Theywere absolutely fantastic. We splurged a little bit and got GA floor tix and for the last third of the show we were all of 6 ft from Billy Joe, we were close enough to see the eye liner he was wearing. Melissa proffessed her undieing love for him and well so did I... It's really kinda sad, It's only been two weeks since I've seen her and I really miss her. Luckily she's comming home this summer and it's looking like we may have access to a beach house all summer long :-D.

Anyway I'm gonna continue slugging through the hell that is the last two weeks of the semester, then i have a blissful two weeks off before summer classes start. As always I'll say i'm going to try to post more often. But we all know how that's going to work out. Maybe this summer i can offer you some more hope? We'll see, but until next time (next month in all likelyhood), fare readers, take care of yourselves.



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