Enjoy my random museings on life.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Tests and parties and biscuits, Oh My!

Good lord... has so much really happened since my last post? Thursday was one craziest days for me in recent memory... I managed to get into 3 arguments with loved ones before I went to work at 2... (and that was with having class from 8:30-12:20am) Luckily I think most things got smoothed over if not totally fixed then at least healthy progress was made towards fixing them. Then at work Farrow tells me that I'm going to take my Level 2 test that day... I assumed he was joking until 20 minutes later he came upstairs with the test in hand and told me I had to go take it. I knew my stuff but I'd wanted like one day to cram for it... but that wasn't to be... so three and a half hours later I finally finish and Farrow grades it infront of me... I passed with flying colors scoring a 95.25% Now I'm just a little salty I didn't take it like a month ago and got that 50 cent an hour raise then.

To celebrate (ok not really to celebrate me as much as to celebrate pay day) me and like 10 other people from work went to the 4Ps and closed it down. It was really a great time the people I work with are a lot of fun and pretty cool (ok dorky... but hey that's me too) people. Friday might as well have been two days for as long as it seemed... Work was long... had a really wired, but good, experience with a woman who came in to put her cat down... She was the kind that wanted to talk a lot and I spent like a half hour in the room with her walking her through everything assuring her that she didn't kill the cat that it had a degenerative liver disease and it was it's time and she was doing the right thing... after they took her cat (Camille) back, she was so grateful and really made me feel like I had done some good and was appreciated, and that was nice. She asked for my name, and it was fun to give it without having to worry about weather she was going to quote me to someone else or complain about something I had done. And that made it so great because when we have to help people who are euthinizing their pets... despite complaining about whatever fluid I had to deal with on a particular day I'd rather shovel a ton of shit every day than deal with a euthanization every day, I don't envy the doctors who actually have to give the injection... I don't know that I could do it.

Anyway onto well maybe not happier... but more amusing situations. Mikey's sister's in town this weekend so we had a party... these next 8 words should be enough to explain at least some of the fun, "drunk mikey, drunk Davin and drunk Danny sexton" oh there was drama to go around... Katie storming in and out in under 3 min... mikey pissed at a friend of liz's for no reason that I could discern... But there was lots of beer pong, foosball and good music so I had a great time when I finally kicked everyone out at 4am...

Today I was still dozing at noon (without the tv on) when I heard a gentle tap tap tap coming from the top of the stairs, and the following conversation occurred:

Robert: Brian? You awake?
Me: yeah, I know.
Robert: you know what?
Me: The terps game is starting.
Robert: oh, ok you should get up... Watching your favorite team is way more important than sleep... and if you get up I'll make some biscuits for you.
Me: I have I told you that you're a beautiful man Robert.

Needless to say we watched the terps win and sure enough Robert baked excellent Pillsbury biscuits, and I was happy. Robert is a true friend.

Had dinner with the Janoskes and that was a lot of fun as usual, she has a great family. Then her mom took us and one of her sisters to see Miss Congeniality 2... yeah umm... it had some funny moments and a great sound track... and a plot toby could have written... and I'll leave it at that.

Anyway... that concludes this edition of Brian's week in review... I'll talk at you later...



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