Enjoy my random museings on life.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

"err, he says he's not dead."

Ok, so I know I just posted and said I didn't feel like writing much today, but I just got a call I had to write about. First of all, no joke, this is the second time in as many days that I've gotten the exact same phone call (only last night it was about a cat, so it is a differnt person) which is what makes it even that much more remarkable. I answered the phone and on it was a woman who asked me was, "Can you tell me what the symptoms of a dieing dog are?" ...?!??!!?

Last night my jaw dropped, my brow furrowed and I was speechless for a good 10-15 seconds (which is an eternity when you're waiting for a responce). You would think my reaction would be different today but no not really... My first reaction was to say "Well clinically we expect a lack of breathing, heart beat and brain functions." But I was able to hold back. She went on to say how she had been to her vet recently for vaccinations and stuff and they said that her dog was very old and might not have long to live, so she wasn't sure. I managed to be very polite and say it was really hard to give a definitive list of symptoms because they could be things like lack of appetite, mobility and general lethargy, and that those could be symptoms of something very treatable as well as signs that the reaper's comming to visit. (ok I didn't say that last bit)

She didn't believe me, asking me if there was anything else to look for, like she was expecting me to say, "well, 10 minutes before he dies your dog will spin around three times to the left and blink at you twice. About three minutes before he dies he'll start reading himself Last Rites..." So she asked to speak with a Dr. I wasn't about to bother anyone with that so I just told her they'd say the same thing. She wasn't rude or anything I just have no idea what she was expecting me to tell her.

When I told the Drs about it a few minutes later they all got a good laugh and made variations on the jokes I did. I asked what I should say, because this is obviously something on alot of people's minds, and they told me what I said was as god as anything the could come up with unless they wanted to know what was happening at the exact moments of death but before that they can act like anything.

Anyway, just astounded by people's stupidity. Hope everyone's sleeping well.


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