Enjoy my random museings on life.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

You can sleep when you're dead.

Well faithful readers, before we start I owe you an apology... that was a really dumb post yesterday. I was tired cranky and well... yeah, I have no real excuse for such a lame post. I know I can't unsay what I said (ok so yeah I can delete the post, but common now that'd just be revisionist history) but with any luck I can make up for it tonight.

As usual with my weekends lately, alot's happened since we last really talked. (wow that was arrogant, who died and made me popular?) I guess it started Thursday at work, I had fully intended on keeping my rather impressive posting streak alive... but the night was just awful. People just kept coming and coming. Hell we had 3 people come in from 3:10-3:30, and when there's only one Dr on that's alot of people. One of the Tech's called out meaning there were just two of them in the back, so I had to act as like a junior tech, they had me holding animals, drawing blood, running tests on blood and urine (alot of which I was being taught as we went along). And then the capper of the night was when a Humane Society dog we have had for a while had explosive diarreah in his cage and I was asked to clean it up. Now this poor dog is emanciated and has had alot of other problems, so I can't help feeling bad for him, but when he craps out (nearly) his own body weight of the most offensive and vile smelling shit ever it's kinda hard to not get a little mad at him. And there was crap everywhere, up the walls, out the front of his cage, it soaked through his towel and (I wish I was jokeing) it hit the ceiling of his cage... It was by far the grossest thing I've had to clean here, and I've had to clean some really gross stuff.

It was a busy, hard night that had me questioning my sanity at times, but I left and slept the sleep of the victorious. It really felt like we'd been in a battle outnumbered 4-1 but still came out on top (and in my case I'd even learned somethings). So it wasn't all bad, I just couldn't spend any time with you lovely people.

On Friday after getting some (not nearly enough) sleep, Chris, Gronowski and I went to see Harry Potter (insert huge grin). Yes I'm a huge dork, no I dont' care and if you do, bite me. It was cool because it was opening night and there were definatly more than a few people who dressed up (no not us, although I've been told Grono and I have some resemblances to Harry) (god, shoot me now) and well there's something exciting about seeing a movie on opening night. The movie was done really well, as I'm sure you've heard a million times, it's the darkest of the movies and sometimes it was not very happy, but it still had some laugh out loud moments and it was really enjoyable. I had a really good time with the guys, and I'm going to go see it again with my sister this comming weekend.

One thing I'm definatly not going to do with my sister anytime soon is take her to a club like Poly Ester's. Not that I'd have anything against her going, I just don't need to see her, well you know... dancing with boys... But anyway for the second payday in a row a bunch of people from work got together and went down there and had a blast. This time it was a really wierd mix of people. The girls from last time (Sharice, Rachelle, Caitlin and Lisa) all were there again and I had a blast with them. But some other people from other departments came, and usually I like mixing with other departments, but most of these people just made asses of themselves. I mean I feel bad, because there comes a point (most of them reached it) where I just want to go up to a guy and say, dude trust me for your own good, you're embarassing yourself, just turn around and walk away, she's not into you at all and you look like an idiot. But whatever I was able to ignore them. The people I was really excited because they were out were Dr Haley, Dr Majsztrick and her husband. It was cool to have them out and I hope they come out again. Haley said it was the first time she'd gone out in the City and had alot of fun (we really do work our interns o death) Anyway it was good times and I hope we keep doing it.

Saturday was a day dedicated to the Brandywine Boys. We (well Steve, Lauren and I) purified the common areas. We scrubbed and cleaned every nook and cranny, hell we did everything but buff and wax the floors, and don't think we didn't consider it. Spent the evening napping/playing video games, and then we had a er... gentlemen's night out visiting Davin at work, if you catch my drift (if you don't, you probably don't want to). I won't bore (or horror) you with the details, but suffice it to say we had a great time and we've decided to instate a once monthly guys night out.

Unfortunatly due my body hating me (or jetlag due to my work schedual) I didn't fall asleep until nearly 7am and had to get up at 11 too cook a dish for the as George and Rob titled it "Pre-Thanksgiving Meat-eater Massacre." My green beans came out like crap, but that's ok, there was a ton of great food, the turkey came out really well (even if by some freakish turn of events it cooked in only 2 and a half hours... and was cooked all the way through). I always have fun with that group, Michelle was in town for it, and it was great to see her as usual (it's nice to have someone to gang up on Farrow with) all the couples were there (George and Emily, Rob and Jen, Rob and Michelle, James and Eve (even if Eve studied for 75% of it) (do they still count as a couple if their married? or do they count twice?) and Will and Hillary. It's kinda weird/scary to see all my friends like this (I'm sure JP and Holly would have been there if JP didn't have some big test to study for too), I mean don't get me wrong, I'm happy for all of them, and the girls that I've spent more than like 5 minutes talking to I like alot, but if they all start getting married and having kids I have no idea what I'm going to do... This shouldn't be happening to my friends I'm not that old yet am I? I mean this was like a dinner party where we drank wine, who ever thought that at a party with Rob Farrow, George Schaubhut, James Ormerod, Rob Mellen and myself more wine would be drank than beer?!?

Anyway, with the exception of the Skins' game (that we're not discussing) and then my post loss depression it was a really good time. Shortly after I got home, the turkey (aided by a few glasses of the aformentioned wine) knocked me out. At 9 O'freaking Clock! (right before Family Guy/Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy grumble grumble grumble....) The good news was I slept until 11 and caught up on some sleep, the bad news was I slept until 11 and was wide awake. Of course that meant I was up for the day and didn't get a nap, which atleast in part explains my crankiness last night. (on a side note about last night, they taught me how to take x-rays and that was pretty cool, kinda hard to get a dog to stay still for long enough, but still cool.)

It was kinda funny last night, Chris had decided he was going to wait in line and get an Xbox 360. An idea which, of course, the rest of the house and I aplauded and did our best to encourage, me going so far as to say that after I got off work I'd swing by and hang out, maybe have breakfast with him. His plan had been to get a few hours sleep then start waiting in line around 4am. Well around 12:30am one of the overnight tech's got a call from one of his friends laughing about how many people were already out in front of our Best Buy, he guessed there were like 50. So first chance I got I called Chris, woke him up (of course), and told him what I'd heard, only I said between 20 and 30 because I figured that was an exaggeration. So he dragged his ass out of bed and got down there alittle after 1. He was the 42nd person in line. This was later proved to be crucial, he got the second to last premium system and only like 6 or 7 people after that got Xboxes at all. If he had gotten there at 4 like he'd planned he would have been 20 people too late.

Well we were waiting in line first outside, then inside the Best Buy lobby, then inside best buy (all of which was alot of fun, you build a sense of commraderie with those waiting with you) until 10:30... Which meant I didn't get to sleep before taking Erin to the Airport, so by the time I got home I'd been up for a whopping 25hrs. So what'd I do? Grabbed a few hours sleep and was up in time to watch the first game played on Chris' new Xbox 360 (Madden 360 vs Steve) at 6.

The moral of the story kids is you can sleep when you die, there's way too much to do to worry about little things like maybe falling asleep during work (even though I still haven't, 2 months and counting, thanks inpart to this here little time waster).

Have a Happy Thanksgiving all.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn straight you can sleep when you're dead...hey everyone I'm that Chris who was crazy enought to risk his health for entertainment...anyway, I still haven't slept except for about four hours after I got the xbox...its now 2am thursday and the game was bought on tuesday....crazy huh, worst part is that I didn't get any sleep because I had to catch a flight to chicago at ridiculously early time on wed...anyway, yeah I owe brian for the xbox warning but hey he'll get to play the system too.

2:54 AM


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