Enjoy my random museings on life.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, I think I'll skip this one this year

I'm so sorry faithful readers, I know it's been an entire week since my last post. I swear I've started or planned to post twice since then... one night was just way too busy (we had something like 3 seizing dogs and a hit by car and assorted other things so that there were people here all night) and the other night Karen (my boss' boss) was here all night. I don't mean in the building and I was trying too look busy I mean she was in the pharmacy just hanging out with me all night. It was actually pretty cool, she's fun to talk to and it was... educational shall we say, in certain areas. Anyway enough of that and onto this post.

It's occurred to me that lately I've been neglecting the "What Am I Listening To Now" section of the blog and I know how much you all (don't care) miss it. So to make up for it this post will be entirely about music. Specifically Christmas music.

No not your traditional carols or hymns but the songs that rock radio breaks out for that three week sprint to Christmas. And to make things even easier for you, I'm going to rank them so you know which ones are worth listening to. So here are my top 6 Christmas rock songs (Why 6 you may ask? Pretty much because these are the only ones I could think of and talk about...)

6. Adam Sandler - "The Chanukah Song" Ok, so no it's not a "Christmas Song" and therefore not exactly a tremendous start to the list, but well it's the right season dammit! A few years ago this song would have been rated a lot higher cause it's damn funny. But let's be honest, once he came out with a sequel then another one it became a little ludicrous. 9 straight minutes of "The Chanukah Song" is a little much. And by the third one he was stretching so hard I think he popped a hammy. I mean Harvey Keitel, Mary Tyler Moore's husband, the guy who does the voice for Scooby Doo!?!!?! Hell he even puts in a fictional character (himself none the less as "Happy Gilmore") and someone who isn't Jewish... Defiantly an example of too much of a good thing, sorry Adam...

5. Everclear - "Hating You For Christmas" Again a few years ago I liked this song and the band a lot, then I kinda grew sick of Art Alexakis singing about his father and I just kind of out grew them. But still the hidden track on "So Much for the Afterglow" is a fun song that I look forward to them breaking out every year.

4. Linkin Park - "My December" Again not a "Christmas" song but one they usually only break out this time of year. It's a really great sad song. With it's haunting melody and bleak lyrics it's always easy to see myself walking down the street with a heavy heart, cold even though I'm wearing a winter coat with week old snow and ice on the ground (the black/gray nasty looking kind). (I almost always love songs that can evoke those kinds of images in my mind) It's just a really great song, but it looses some points for not being specifically about Christmas.

3. Jimmy Eat World - "Last Christmas" Yes I know it's originally a Wham! song... but common who knew Wham! songs could be so good? I don't really know what to say about the song, it's simple and repetitive but their cover is just damn good. I saw them bust it out at the Nutcracker last year and was really impressed. And well yes I guess it can sorta kinda be applied-ish to my life, but I swear I don't look at it that way or find it particularly cathartic to sing along to. I just really like it.

2. Blink 182 - "I Won't Be Home For Christmas" Such a funny song. I still love these guys, and this song is nearly them at their most juvenile and immature. I mean most of us can relate to that one day (or days) leading up to Christmas that we just get sick of the holiday being stuffed down our throats and we just can't wait for the holiday to be over, Blink 182 just take it the next 15 steps and end up celebrating Christmas Oz style because they beat carolers with a baseball bat. Hahaha, I love just reading the lyrics, how can you not hear this song and laugh? it's hysterical.

1. The Waitresses - "Christmas Wrapping" No one I know has ever heard another song by them, but that doesn't stop this from being the handsdown best rock Christmas song. It's got such a great sugary sweet hook and such catchy lyrics that you don't think twice about singing along to "Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! But I think I'll miss this one this year." Hell the song is as much about how the lead singer keeps missing chances throughout the year to get together with last Christmas' "Encounter, most interesting." As it is about needing to spend this Christmas alone just so she can relax. But ultimately of course the song ends on a happy note:

"So on with the boots, back out in the snow
To the only all-night grocery
When what to my wondering eyes should appear
In the line is that guy I've been chasing all year!

"I'm spending this one alone," he said.
"Need a break; this year's been crazy."
I said, "Me too, but why are you?
You mean you forgot cranberries too?"

Then suddenly we laughed and laughed
Caught on to what was happening
That Christmas magic's brought this tale
To a very happy ending! "

Such a fantastic song, defiantly worthy of #1. Well that's my list... I'm sure I forgot a few good ones (and probably some bad ones), feel free to post and tell me what Christmas songs I forgot or ones you like, rock or not.

Until next time, good luck getting your shopping done, Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays... whatever floats your boat,



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