Enjoy my random museings on life.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Turkeyday weekend

Welcome back from break faithful readers! I hope you enjoyed your turkey. I think I enjoyed mine... Thanksgiving is kind of a fuzzy day. I got off of work (I remember that) then I drove home (it's a little scary but that's a little sketchy) I may or may not have seen any of the parade (that pisses me off, I love the parade) (yes I'm aware that's a little strange... but I think it's the marching band geek in me coming out) then I passed out for like 4 hours. We had dinner (which was really good of course, my mom's a great cook) just the four of us (My parents, sister and I) and that was great. No family drama, no grandmother that nobody likes, no telling my uncle for the 8th year in a row that I'm done with HS and hell might be done with college one of these days. Then I slept some more, straight through what I hear was a great Broncos/Cowboys game, and came right back to work.

Friday, being the day of rest that it is, I didn't do much. Plus I was the only one in the house (let's be honest city too), so there wasn't much to do during the day. Friday night I said "What the hell," and went to the O.A.R. show at Mason (yes by myself). I knew it wasn't sold out, so I was just going to buy a ticket sit in the nose bleeds and enjoy the show. I even made the decision to act like a concert rookie and wear a jacket into the venue figuring I'd have a chair to throw it on. Of course while waiting in like this little 10 year old wanna be drug dealer comes up to me and goes "You wanna buy a ticket? My friend bitched out on us" Of course I laugh at him, ask him where it is/how much, and to my amazement it was a GA floor ticket and he was asking for $30 ($2 below face value and that's not including any ticketmaster/venue fees). So I say sure, and the kid's so funny... his eyes were daring around looking for any cops or someone who might bust him for scalping. He dug it out of his pocket and did the whole, "if we don't move our arms much or look at eachother no one will think we're up to anything." I wanted to tell him he wasn't doing anything illegal because he was selling it below face value, but then I didn't want to burst his bubble and take away his danger/excitement.

The opening band, Little Brother, sucked ass. They were a rap group, 2 MC's and one DJ (as Robert put it when I was telling him about it) and I can't really describe it other than to say they were bad. When I'm listening to rap I'm looking for three things, clever rhymes/lines, outrageous boasts or funny put downs. They had none of them, they were just two rather large black men walking back and forth spitting awful rhymes. And then they brought out a white dude, who looked like he was about 6'4" and as skinny as I am, who looked like he just got really stoned and thought he was so funny and so good at rapping, but really just looked ridiculous and sucked at rapping. Anyway they made me mad and (unfortunately) more on them later.

O.A.R. on the otherhand were awesome. They sounded great, they looked like they were having fun onstage and they played almost every song I wanted to hear. With the exception of "About an Hour Ago" and their cover of U2's "Sunday Bloody Sunday." Their solo's and jam sessions, while not spectacular, were really cool, and they were just really a lot of fun. Going into the last song of their encore ("Crazy Game of Poker") I was planning on buying the CD they were making of the show. (For like $20 you could walk out the door with a dual CD with the entire show on it, a really awesome idea.)

But then they came out and played "Crazy Game of Poker." Now don't get me wrong, the song was awesome, they sounded great, I was loving it. But then they brought Little Brother out on stage. They had them rap two or three (crappy) verses, that had nothing to do with the song or anything really, and while O.A.R.'s lead singer seemed really into it, I thought it ruined the song for me. It was so bad I decided that I didn't want to be reminded of it and so I wouldn't buy the CD. Oh well, it didn't ruin the show for me, I still had a blast and was really glad I went.

The rest of my weekend was pretty boring, Saturday I did some cleaning and played video games, then fell asleep ridiculously early (8:30) and didn't wake up till 10 on Sunday. And while disappointed I missed going out with the handful of people who came back to the city early, I loved the sleep. And Sunday was pretty usual, Buffalo Billiards (a slightly smaller crew, and Claire, our waitress was there so that was disappointing) and a (third consecutive) Skins' game we lead in the fourth quarter and then decide to stop playing so we loose.

All in all it was pretty relaxing and I enjoyed myself. Even managed to make my sister really happy by surprising her at home and driving her to the airport on Monday morning.

Take care everyone.



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