Enjoy my random museings on life.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

State of the Blog

Hello again faithful readers, you thought I'd forgotten about you again, didn't you? Admit it, you thought you were going to have to wait another month or two to hear from me again. Well lucky for you I didn't. This past week just exploded on me, it seems every night at work was busy and my classes decided to have everything due at once. Ah well, no sense in bitching about it now, it's done and now I'm back to posting for you.

What I will bitch about for a second is my reader response. First I get people harassing me asking, no demanding, a new blog entry. Now don't get me wrong, I love that you're interested and want to hear from me (and no you're not really demanding or harassing me, that's just exaggeration for dramatic effect) but this leads almost directly to my second problem. I've heard from more than one person about how this lovely page has suffered in quality lately (to quote Farrow, "Start writing better posts dammit!").

Unfortunatly I find myself having to agree with both groups. I would love to post everyday, and apparently people care enough (are bored enough at work) to enjoy daily postings. But frequent posts water down my content and drain me of my humor. I just can't live up to your demands, I'm sorry.

So what will I do about this? Not much. People may suggest I learn to write shorter posts, but I really find myself at a loss, when I get going I just like to talk (a lot). I'll probably just post like twice a week, unless something extraordinary happens that I just can't wait to tell you about or something inspires a rant (like this).

Don't worry, this won't be today's post, I've just decided to break it up by subject (and yes I'm going to date this one later than the next so you read this one first and it makes slightly more sense).



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