Enjoy my random museings on life.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Keeping in touch... or stalking?

Ok ok ok I know. It's time to post. When people start yelling at me saying I don't get paid to not update my blog (heaven forbid I help out in the back or do projects to help make things run smoother) and that they're bored at work because they don't have my life to read... I guess this is just the price of fame.

The truth of the matter is that not much has been going on lately. Most of my time has been spent at work (where there have been decidedly few stories that are worth sharing) watching the Olympics (which I've talked a lot about on 4313 Sports) and my weekends have been taken up helping Angela move (although I did place a disappointing 4th in a Poker Tournament a few weeks back). But anyway I'm sure I can muster up a few things to talk about.

The first thing that comes to mind happened at the beginning of the month where it seemed like stalker week. It all started when one of the girls who works in the lab started getting calls from an ex of hers. He sounded drunk and every time I told her he was on the phone (when it's a personal call I prefer to go and tell the person face to face to prevent the embarrassment of the dreaded "Matt your mother is on line 1" overhead page) she would roll her eyes curse sigh and mutter, "what the hell does he want this time." It bothered me a bit but it got worse when he called when she wasn't here and he started asking for other people who work here trying to get them to tell him where she was/what her cell number was. Apparently during the first call she got from him on the third day of this she told him what was what and he stopped calling (here at least, I hope he's left her alone all together, he was a real prick to me).

Then a guy called multiple times for a Doctor who doesn't work here anymore, who I know well and go out with pretty often. He gave me a story about how his grandmother, who lived around here, died and he was looking for her so he could ask to crash at her place. Feeling that was somewhat legitimate I called and left her a message with his number (we're definitely not allowed to give out any personal information and no way am I going to give out any home phone numbers). He called back the next day still looking for her and so I called her again, this time she picked up (I woke her up and I feel really awful about it) and she got pretty freaked out. She said not to give him any of her information or tell him that I talked to her, she even went as far as to say that if he called again to hang up on him (which he did and I did). Apparently he was a persistent bastard who didn't get the hint.

So all of that kind of freaked me out, but during all of it something really awesome happened. On the morning of the 3rd day of the Lab girl's stalker and the first day of the Dr's, Josh IMed me. (For those of you who don't know, Josh is my big, who left AU before my Junior year started and we haven't really kept in touch at all, not for lack of desire or interest, it just didn't happen.) It was like 5am and we spent like a half hour just catching up and it was just awesome to hear from him. It was so cool that I left here after a pretty shitty night of work feeling awesome. That inspired me and gave me hope that not everyone who re-enters your life after an extended absence has sketchy reasons for doing it.

So I went on a bit of a kick and sent emails to a bunch of people who I haven't talked to in a while and that I missed. The good part of all of it was it coincided nicely with a inside joke of a holiday involving someone I haven't talked to at all in recent months. And I've even gotten emails back from everyone sounding happy to hear from me (or at least not pissed off that I emailed them). Now don't get me wrong there are still a few people I need to get in touch with, including one really big one. But it felt pretty good and despite some initial concerns I definitely didn't feel like a stalker (or a bad friend).

In other news... Aw hell this is probably going to sound lame but whatever... My hair is fucking long! I don't remember the last time it was this long. I've been rocking the hat mullet (when I wear a hat and because you can't see how long all of my hair is it looks like I've got a mullet) for a month, the hair on the side of my head makes me look like I've got horns or wings and when I pull it down the hair in the front covers half of my eyes. It's so long that when I'm in the shower I've been able to rock the Ferris Bueller mohawk for the last two weeks. (And yes I do it every day and yes I still laugh out loud every time.) (Don't judge me you know you'd do it and laugh too.)

In fact it's so bad that the other day I was hanging out with my roommates before I showered (yes I do leave my room sometimes before taking a shower) and the first words out of Steve's mouth were, "My god Brian, your Jew 'fro is out of control." But I kind of like it. Angela says it's cute (no that's not why I like it, but it helps), Sa*ra says she loves hippy hair like it, the chuckle I get out of the shower mohawk every morning makes it worth while and well it's kind of distinctive. Maybe I'll keep growing it out of protest of my parents moving to Jersey. That's another thing that's been on my mind a lot but I refuse to think about it so moving on... The one good thing about the move (ok so maybe not moving on so much) is I get to have Toby down here for like two weeks and I love having Toby.

Maybe we can use this time with him to prove that my housemates and I can handle a dog. Yeah we've been talking about renegociating the lease when we re-up it (if I stay) to see if we can have a dog. Steve and Chris seem onboard with the idea as long as we don't get in trouble and Robert (who brought up the idea) is game to try it even if we can't (Mikey's moving out).

I'd love to have a dog that's my own, something bigger like 65-75lbs at least, that I can go running with and really play with. Anyway I'm picking Toby up on Sunday (Tory's coming home for her trimester break and we're having our last dinner as a family together in Clarksville... God that's depressing to think about...

Anyway I'm sure I'll have more exciting things to talk about next week. It's Pay Day Friday, so we're going to Polly Ester's tonight. Well it was sort of pay day for me... I got my check sure, but it was only for $65... yeah apparently I only worked 25hrs this pay period and they slashed my salary to $2.77 an hour (I worked 82.5 hrs and I make significantly more than that)... let's just say that it better be fixed by Monday or Brian's going to be a little miffed.

Well it's getting to be about that time of morning where people start filtering in, so I've got to get going. I hope everything's going well in your lives. No promises but with any luck you'll hear from me soon.


WILTN: 2 Skinnee J's "Girl With the World in Her Eyes" "Grown Up" & "Irresistible Force" (you gotta love sampling Star Wars and making it sound awesome)


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