Enjoy my random museings on life.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Of Abductions & "B-A-C's"

I know, I'm sorry, you have every reason to be upset with me. 13 full days without a post. I know what you're asking... Has he forgotten about you? Did he finally run out of things to say?? Has he been abducted?!? Will he ever post again?!?!?!!

No, No, sort of and of course.

First off, I've had two remarkably busy weeks in a row here at the hospital, the crown jewel of which was my most frustrating and possibly worst night ever here. I don't even really know how to describe it, it wasn't like we were slammed, we just spent all night dealing with one client. She was a lawyer (right that's probably the reason) who was playing with her dog and a radiator was knocked over onto it's tail and the tail broke. The first Dr who saw it didn't think it was broken and then told the lady but on further examination another Dr found that it was. Then the lady fought us absolutely every step of the way from then out. Arguing over the need for amputation (it needed it or else the tail would have died anyway and it would have become infected) what meds and how many doses were needed, we spent 4 hours just on her and then another hour on the phone afterwards with the hospital administrator dealing with the fall out. It was just unbelievably frustrating (luckily we can all laugh about it now) and Dr Murtagh (I call her my favorite, she calls me the best ever) even called her a "B-A-C" on a little "Way to Go" note she wrote for me & posted in the pharmacy. (For those of you who don't know a "B-A-C" is a Bitch Assed Cunt, and she doesn't even like to use the "C" word (neither do I, but honestly in this case it was appropriate)).

Anyway... the other reason for my recent disappearance is that I've been dog/house sitting for Jen and Karen. It's the 3rd time I've done it and until this time I've always thought of it as a little vacation (I'm out of my house, they have dogs that are fun to play with, a freaking huge TV with TiVo...) but this time it wasn't quite as fun. Now don't' get me wrong, I still enjoyed it but it was a little bit more stressful and a little less restful. The last time I dog sat for them it was while they were down in Louisiana helping out the Animal Rescue effort and well they brought back a dog with them. To their menagerie of dogs with various illnesses and disabilities (the original 4 are a 15 year old Sheppard (wolf) mix who has a history of seizures and flatlined and was brought back 2 years ago, a 14 year old tri leg chihuahua who lost most of her intestine/colon when she was young and has renal issues, a huge 4 year old Boston Terrier who has separation anxiety and skin issues and a 2 year old long haired chihuahua who has the occasional seizure) they added a 6 month old Jack Russell Terrier named Jack. Jack's a special boy. One who likes to play roughly with the other dogs who don't want to be disturbed, chew on... well everything and escape from their fenced in back yard.

The lowlights from taking care of them this time were when the tri leg decided not to eat one night (usually that's not a horribly scary thing, but she's so small and delicate and with the renal issues on top of that I got really nervous. Plus she's Jen's little baby.) Jack discovered that he liked ripping up books and magazines, just shredding them mind you, not eating them and he also chewed an extension cord one day while I was asleep (that made me real nervous, I could just imagine having to bring the idiot in because he electrocuted himself). And then on like Wednesday Jack decided not only to escape but started trying to play with a pit/lab mix, who could eat him for a midnight snack, that had ripped the leash from his owner's hands. Then once we caught the big dog Jack decided it was a good idea to start running back and forth across the main street in front of the house with cars driving by (yeah I defiantly threw myself into the middle of the road throwing up my hands to stop traffic). So after that heart attack I decided that he wasn't leaving the house without a leash on regardless of how much energy that meant he still had when he got back inside.

Now don't get me wrong it wasn't all bad, I love being in a house with dogs. They're so funny to watch, fun to play with and (when they're not fighting on top of you) it's so nice to have them cuddle with you while sleeping. Jack and Izzy (the long haired chihuahua) especially would glue themselves to me. And I think the thing that surprised me most was that Tiny (the tri leg) who usually doesn't like new people finally started warming up to me (it might have something to do with the fact that I kept Jack off her and let her eat in peace).

All in all it was a lot of fun, even if it was a lot more stressful than the last two times and I defiantly will do it again, I think I'll just be a bit more prepared. And I was able to take some nice pictures of them.

Then seeing as how it was Payday Friday a group of us (much smaller than usual) went to Polly Ester's and had a blast as usual. Angela came out with us again and that made me pretty happy. She's been really good about coming out with my friends, last Friday Steve and Robert came and hung out with us at the Malt Shop and she seemed to like them. And last Saturday she met some of the Capcity crew (JP had a few of us over to his apartment) and despite the fact that we're pretty overwhelming she had fun laughing at us and saw why I like them and how much they mean to me.

Saturday was a really chill day. I try to block most of it out, seeing as how I spent a few hours cleaning up Jen and Karen's house before they got home and watching my Redskins loose. While the loss was depressing we were defiantly beaten by the better team and I have no reason to complain, no one expected us to get this far and our winning streak the last month and a half was amazing (more of this in the sports blog). Then I spent the night just hanging out watching movies with Angela, due partly to the fact that my roommates just left without me to go celebrate Liz's birthday (dammit I told them I was going to go for a little while!).

Sunday was our last day at Buffalo Billiards with Claire. It was a lot of fun, especially cause the Panther's won (they're my pick for the Super Bowl). And hell Claire even said that she'd probably come to our place next time we threw a party. But I think the highlight of the day was sleeping in my own bed, I realized it was the first time I'd done it since the Friday before and man it was great not sharing a bed with dogs who like to wrestle on top of you...

Anyway, so that's what's been going on with me, I promise I'll post some more entertaining rants soon. Maybe even a review of the Less Than Jake show Steve, Lauren and I are going to on Friday (if I'm really lucky we might even get to hang out with the guys, Lauren's got a friend who used to date Roger (the bass player) so who knows). So until next time faithful readers.

Have a good night and a pleasant tomorrow,


WILTN: Velvet Revolver "Contraband" (man this album has really held up to repeat listenings)


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