Enjoy my random museings on life.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Squishing the 24hr bug

I'm sorry for not posting yesterday faithful readers, I had to call out of work on Wednesday suffering from flu like symptoms. Vomiting, achy joints and a bit of a fever. Now, before you start thinking this post is going to be me bitching about being sick and how much it sucks and looking for your pity, please put your fears aside. I'm fine, it wasn't fun but I got over it quickly (thanks to lots of soup, Gatoraide and Toby). In truth there are three people you should pity because of my illness (ok well two are individuals and one's more of a group) but defiantly not me.

The first is Farrow. Yup, I actually feel bad for him. He had to be in at 6am on Wednesday and the job of covering for me fell to him. Now I tried to be a bit accommodating, calling him at 11:30 saying how I didn't feel well and barring a miraculous recovery I probably wouldn't make it to work. (I think the conversation went something like, "Hey boss... what would you do if I called out tonight" "I'd probably kill you.") And when I called closer to work time he said he went home and grabbed a few hours sleep in the afternoon and that I should rest up and get better so I could come in tonight. And being the good man that he is he worked for me all night got a bit of sleep and was back here for his meeting at noon to talk about the future of the Front Desk. (See he really is a good boss, some people who know him find that hard to believe but I'm really lucky to work for him.) (Don't worry after this I'll stop kissing his ass and go back to making fun of his as usual.)

The group of people I felt bad for were the rest of the overnight staff. They had to work with Rob all night. The first thing Dr Murtagh said to me when I got in tonight was, "Don't you ever leave me to work with just him again!" (she said it in jest of course, she was Rob's favorite Intern last year and I think he makes her laugh more than just about anyone.) The rest of the staff assured me that while Rob did an adequate job, I'm much more fun and social. (And yes in his defense I'd be tired and maybe a bit crabby having to work all night after an ass early morning and only a few hours sleep...) (God... I keep defending him... what's wrong with me?)

The other person I felt really bad for was Toby. I think I mentioned last post how he was staying with me, and he didn't' get nearly enough attention, walks and I think I may have forgotten to feed him once (I was sick... cut me some slack, he didn't starve). I think he was getting a little pissed at me after a while, every time I rolled over or got up for anything, he'd jump up his ears and tail would go straight up like "Oh boy, we're finally going out right?!?" I tried to make up for it with a really long walk, a big meal of his favorite canned food and I've spent as much time with him tonight as possible... But he'll still probably be really excited to go back home tomorrow evening.

Anyway, due to being out of commission there's not much else to report. Madam X (God, could I have come up with a lamer code name?) and I are probably going to reveal ourselves to the world Friday night. We're going out with a group of coworkers to celebrate a birthday and at that point I doubt there'll be much reason to be secretive. I mean the whole reason of our discretion was our desire to avoid the Friendship rumor mill until there was actually something to talk about. I mean in my time here I've already been said to have been sleeping with two girls here (one while we were both dating other people, the other linked me to someone who's engaged and neither one of which had a shred of truth to them) and there have been countless other rumors (some true, most false) circulated about people.

I'm really looking forward to the weekend, another Friday at Polly Ester's, the Downtown Countdown on Saturday (I love New Years Eve, I get so excited for it every year) and Sunday will be spent footballin' with the boys (and hopefully cheering the Skins' into the playoffs) (God, I hope we don't blow this... I'm starting to get scared someone wrote a column on ESPN.com saying we were the team from the NFC to be feared the most... I mean in Gibbs I trust, but this hype is killing me...) With any luck come Monday night I'll have all sorts of fun stories to share with you all (hopefully I'll be able to remember them all).

Take care and a Happy New Year to you and yours,


WILTN: Jimmy Eat World - "Clarity" and "Futures" (both Christmas gifts, the first not as good as I'd hoped and the latter better)


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