Enjoy my random museings on life.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

It's a good year for a murder


I really should throw this out there now... this is most likely going to be one of those boring "What I did this weekend" blog postings... If you don't like them or are bored by em, stop now...

My weekend was outstanding... there's really now other way to put it. In all honesty with the exception of how I felt Sunday morning I had so few complaints (and Sunday night sure as hell made up for it).

Friday night was Polly Ester's with the co-workers, but it was far from the usual. First off there were a lot more people than usual... by end of the night there were probably around to 20 of us. And secondly it was Angela's and my "coming out party." (I know most of you who read this are saying, "Angela who?" and she's one of my coworkers, so most of you would have no way of knowing her.) First of all I should clarify by saying that while I've talked about her some here (I refuse to use that god awful code name again... I really should have been more creative) we're not really anything (god this sounds so High School) official... not that we've talked about any, we're just sort of going out or dating. (It doesn't really matter to me anyway, I'm having a lot of fun and I'm in no rush to have "The Talk" or anything.)

Anyway, most people (ok everyone) was surprised at our pairing, saying they just didn't see it or wouldn't have guessed, but well people are stupid. Because I'd leaked it to Farrow earlier on Friday most people knew we were dating by the time we got there (except for Melissa which lead to a pretty priceless moment where she said something to someone else about how we were heading for a drunken hookup). And that's exactly why I didn't say much because I knew word would get around more than Tara Reid and I just wanted there to be something to talk about before speculation had us as something we weren't.

I have to say the best reaction though was Sharice, one of the AM front desk girls, who kept shaking her head at me saying "Damn Brian, I've got to stop seeing you as my baby brother and realize that you's a man. But if she hurts you I'm gonna fuck her up, I'm not going to let nothing happen to you, I'm not even joking, Brian, if she hurts you I'm gonna fuck her up!" It was a little sweet and a little scary at the same time. But skipping to the end of the page, Polly Ester's was a great time as usual.

Saturday was spent running errands, so nothing to terribly exciting to report (I mean don't get me wrong I'm glad Robert's home, but picking him up from the airport just really wasn't super exciting) (And it was a little odd, no one seemed to notice I got a hair cut, I mean it was only a trim to get some of the fro-y-ness out... but still...) But Saturday night on the other hand...

Saturday night was great. I know I've said it before, but I love New Years Eve, even the ones where things I haven't liked have happened I always end up having fun and this year was no exception. I hadn't realized how many people I was going with (I haven't run through the whole list in my head yet but I'd guess between 15-18 people) now most of them were DG's that I'd only met a few times or hardly knew at all, but that really didn't matter.

The bands were a lot of fun, (Cowboy Mouth was fantastic as usual, more on this later), the booze was flowing (yeah I was gone...) and I dunno, I just had a great time. There were a few splashes of minor drama (issues with the cabs, the first drink was a pain in the ass to get, McKee getting really drunk, my Little was a little bitter at life...) but none of it bother me and most of it was pretty funny (especially McKee... she fell on her ass). The opening band was a cover band and they were a lot of fun I guess (mostly they were just background music to all the pictures Steve and I got roped into taking for the girls...). I don't really know a lot by The Pat McGee Band (I should given they play a show in DC like every other weekend... I just never had that much interest in them) but they were pretty good and did a really cool cover of something... for the life of me I can't remember what it was, but it also could be me getting them confused with the first band. And finally there was Cowboy Mouth.

Now I have to say by this point in the night I was defiantly three sheets to the wind... (in all likelihood I was acting like an idiot) But from what I remember Cowboy Mouth were so much fun. Now it wasn't one of their best shows that I've been to but a bad CM show is better than a good show by most any other band. And the other thing you should understand about CM is they require a lot of crowd energy and interaction... and that's a wee bit harder than usual when everyone's wearing suits and dresses and I'd say a good 80% of the people at the show were there for the party not for the band. But given all of those things they sounded great played most of what I wanted to hear (I can't believe I forgot my red spoon for "Everybody Loves Jill"). They even played their song "Hurricane Party" which I was a little surprised about, I mean it's one of their staples... but they are from New Orleans and given the reason for the state of things there... oh well it was still a lot of fun. Unfortunately most (all) of my friends left during their set. In their defense it was late, people were tired, drunk and getting a little cranky. But I stayed till the end, Fred remembered me (or at least my signed shirt) and it was a lot of fun.

I left a little bit after they finished and on my way to the metro decided that instead of going home it was a good idea to go to Angela's. Now this could have ended in disaster (especially given that I walked from the metro to her house) but she took it in the sweet spirit of trying to make up a little bit for the fact that we didn't kiss at midnight that it was meant in. She seemed really happy to see me and dealt really well with a very drunk Brian.

Sunday I got my very hung over ass up and went to Buffalo Billiards with the boys, and that was defiantly not our best experience there... Claire (our waitress) was still back home in Ohio, her replacement ignored us for the first 15 min we were there and they turned off Olker's Panther's game because it was such a blow out. So we left early and the evening was spent at home watching the Skins' game and hanging out with the Brandywine Boys (I still felt like crap and wasn't in shape enough to go either to my parents' or to George's like I said I might...).

And this is when the icing on the already delicious cake my weekend had been was applied. For the first time since the year that Lou Bega was made popular The Skins' are in the freaking playoffs!! I think I need to say that again just so you can let it sink in...


Beating the Eagles twice in one season would make me extatic enough... but the fact that we clinched a playoff berth and I think we can legitimately make some noise in the NFC makes me want to hug everyone I see. I'm still expecting my mom to wake me up and tell me that I'm going to miss the bus if I don't get out of bed soon... It was pretty much the perfect ending to what's going to be a really tough weekend to top in '06.

And as one final warning to those of you who care, posts may start coming less frequently here. I'm trying to start a purely sports themed blog with Robert. I'll keep you posted and let you know when that's up and running and how it's going. But don't worry I promise not to forget my roots and I will continue posting here. Also if you're interested I've started posting some of the pictures I've been taking with my new digital camera here. I hope you all had a happy New Years Eve and that 2006 has been treating you well so far.



WILTN: Pearl Jam - Yield


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'm trying to start a purely sports themed blog with Robert. I'll keep you posted and let you know when that's up and running and how it's going."

Weren't you supposed to set that up last night?

3:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

But Brian, if you stop a) your weekend in reviews and b) start posting less frequently here in favor of your sports venture how is the rest of the world (read your friends you don't live or work with) going to know what the hell is going on with you?

6:21 PM


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