Enjoy my random museings on life.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

"I just wanted to feel the power between my legs brother!"

First off I can't believe my last post... I talked about my hair for two paragraphs? What the hell is that? And the stories about reconnecting/stalking were just boring, I'm so sorry I've let you down. Anyway onto today's post...

So while I was getting ready for work today, per my usual routine, I had Law and Order on. Usually after the 7pm Law and Order there's either another episode (or five), an NBA game or some lame movie. Usually I'll leave it on if it's more L&O and change it if it's one of the other two. But not last night. Nope I got to enjoy an hour and a half of 1998's 2nd highest grossing film (and yes I had to look that up, I'm not that lame): Armageddon.

God that movie's such a guilty pleasure for me. I've only seen it a few times but invariably it makes me laugh out loud. I mean common, there are enough decent one liners, goofy characters and funny situations to carry the movie to a B-/C+ rating. But if you factor in the unintentional comedy (yes I stole that and other things from Bill Simmons, but every guy under the age of 30 steals from him so get over it) the movie is off the charts enjoyable. I mean the cheesy lines don't stop, there's not one, but like 6 characters who are there for sheer comic relief (and man what a cast, the Russian Cosmonaut definitely steals every scene he's in) and somehow it manages to keep your interest even through the wooden acting of Bruce "How am I still getting work?" Willis and the slightly all to predictable script.

But I think that's part of the enjoyment of the movie (the script being predictable not Willis' acting). There's something fun and comforting about knowing that things are going to turn out alright (I know Willis' character dies, but who really cared that much?). There are a bunch of other movies I love for all the reasons I liked Armageddon; Charlie's Angels, The Mask of Zorro, The Princess Bride (definitely one of my top five favorite movies of all time), Independence Day... These cheesy action/adventure summer blockbusters are so much fun. If they don't make you laugh, cheer and feel good about life (at least on the inside) then you hate fun.

And just for fun I'm going to leave you with some of the cheesiest quotes from the movie (include the quote from this post's title of course):

"The United States Government just asked us to save the world. Anyone wanna say no?"

"Baby, do you think its possible that there's someone doing this very same thing at this very same time?"
"I hope so, otherwise, what the hell are we trying to save?"

"Talk about the wrong stuff."

"Components? American components, Russian Components, ALL MADE IN TAIWAN!"

And the hands down cheesiest of them all:
"Miss Stamper? Colonel Willie Sharp, United States Airforce, ma'am. Requesting the permission to shake the hand of the daughter of the bravest man I've ever met."


WILTN: Brand New - Jude Law and a Semester Abroad (you thought I was going to say Aerosmith's "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" didn't you?)


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