Enjoy my random museings on life.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas came a night early in Washington

Welcome to this sorta kinda festive holiday edition of The Blog. Y'see I have a lot of fun things to talk about, but I'm in a shitty mood. (Ok so really I'm just tired and a lil cranky... my sleep schedule is messed up as usual and Big Dave had another seizure today so Rob called and asked if I could come in early, so tonight's going to be a 12 hr shift... ok enough bitching...) Hopefully writing this will put me in a better mood so bare with me.

First of all I should start by saying that my love life is taking a much needed turn for the better (it's been a while...). I've been out with and think I may be sorta kinda at least starting to date someone. For now we'll just call her Madame X (at least until I figure out A. what we're doing and B. weather she approves of being talked about in public forums such as this). For now I'll just say we're having a lot of fun and despite the fact that virtually no one who I think reads knows her, she does infact exist.

Anyway on to less scandalous stuff... It's been a little odd in the house the last few days, not in a there's conflict with my roommates kind of way, more just in a it's quiet kind of way. Dead quiet. By the time I got back from work on Friday morning everyone was gone, Chris had left on like the 14th or so, Robert on the 20th and Steve and Mikey both left and asinine hours of the morning on Friday (and yes that's coming from someone who works all night). So Friday the house was eerily quiet. And it's really odd how even when no one's home on a normal day, there seems to be a bit more life in the house when they're at least in the city. But when they're out of town it sounds as quiet as some cheesy B horror movie. But Toby's with me for this week (this is another thing that makes me happy) (except for the fact that he's got some skin issues going on and it's kinda nasty in some spots) so I should have some warning (of course that warning would probably just be him jumping over me to go get himself petted) if someone else is in the house. I guess Mikey's coming back today and Steve should be back Wednesday so it won't be quiet for long, I guess I should enjoy not hearing "Wake the fuck up, bitch!" anytime my alarm goes off and they're upstairs playing Xbox (grumble grumble that still pisses me off grumble grumble...).

Anyway Christmas was good, (surprisingly) no fights with dad (I think this is the first Christmas in like 4-5 years) and Santa was pretty good to me. I got a digital camera (yes this probably means I'll start posting some pictures in here) from my "I'm trying to buy your love" Grandmother (ok so she actually wasn't nearly as bad this year as she has been in years past...) and then the usual CDs/DVDs and shirts from the rest of the family. (and yes my dad and I both had our guilty pleasures indulged, I got Season 1 of The OC and he got Season 1 of Desperate Housewives (I swear we're not gay)). The meal was up to my mom's usual fantastic standard (unfortunately no Chinese course... I'm beginning to think dad and I have already lost the battle to bring that back).

We had about 8 people over and it was cool to spend some time with my cousin Jill, as always, I wish we had more time without the adults around to trade gossip and war stories, but I guess family obligations must be met... Came back to DC to sleep in my own bed and to spend some time with Madam X last night. And to round out the boring part of my weekend in review, my family got together with some other relatives today at Union station and had a really nice lunch.

I kinda don't want to say anything because I don't want to jinx it... but I'm so stoked the Skins' are a win or a Cowboys loss away from the playoffs... Our dismantling of the Giants was awesome, hell even Patrick Ramsey played well (even though I was livid when he used up two quick timeouts early in the 3rd quarter but that bomb to Santana Moss was a thing of beauty) (especially for my fantasy teams). I felt a little bad that dad and I banished mom into the kitchen to watch the game... but I mean common how can you blame us? She is a Giants fan.

But man if we make the playoffs (and that's a huge IF) I think I'm going to do backflips... I mean we've beaten three of the top NFC teams (it should be four but they blew that freaking 2pt conversion call in the Bucs game.... and yes I'm still bitter). And we played toe to toe with two potentially three AFC playoff teams... I mean I'm not saying we're going to the SuperBowl... But it's fun to dream. (I really shouldn't get my hopes up... I'm only going to be disappointed, I should just do what I've done three of the last four years and join Bossman in routing for the Patriots in the playoffs.)

Anyhoo, I hope all's well with you, that your Christmas was merry and your travels safe. But now it's time to put all that aside and psyched for New Years Eve, NFL playoffs and come to terms with "The Evans move 2K6 - The Garden State Edition."


WILTN: Morning Wood - "The Nth Degree" (Yes the song is as ludicrous as the band name, but it's so much fun, you should go out and listen to it.)


Blogger -Brian said...

Amen Reverand!

I think my biggest problem is that I'm too afraid to hope. I feel that if I get my hopes up too much they'll just be dashed against the walls at Buffallo Billiards the next Sunday afternoon... But Mike Wise did write an excellent column in the Post this past Saturday about how the Skins' are going to make the Superbowl and loose to the Patriots by 3 (because we seem to be the '03 Panthers reincarnate).

So what the hell, hop on the Skins' Bandwagon, there's plenty of room, Erwin and I have been riding a (relatively) empty one for too long.


2:43 AM


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