Enjoy my random museings on life.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

For Flattery, Fergie and Fugazi

Wow... I don't know weather to be flattered or offended. I'm not sure if any of you saw the comment that was left on my last post. But basically someone said, hey buy my book and you can make money doing this. Of course she (the poster) started off by complimenting me saying that I was a better writer than a lot of other bloggers, and of course this is a great way to appeal to my ego, but she made a few mistakes.

First of all I'd hope I was a better writer than most bloggers, I've had some college education(lord knows I've been in school longer than most) and I don't use words like "c-ya" "gr8" "luv" and whatever other lame IM shorthands that the kids use these days (yeah I'm old. Bite me). I have problems deciphering them 90% of the time and I swear an English teacher looses her wings every time someone uses one. I know my grammar is pretty awful, but I type the way I speak and I think that's part of the charm of this particular blog. Anyway it's a moot (thanks Robert) point, she (it's probably not even a she but just a clever ploy to try to appeal to my being a man) in all likeliness didn't even read it (that's what pisses me off) and I'm certainly not ordering some book to try to make money off of the once every 3 months I post (but you'll notice this is my 3rd post in 10 days).

Not much else happened today... Well one cool thing. The guitarist from Fugazi, Guy Picciotto, had his cat (Camille) in tonight. I really wanted to talk to him say I was a fan ect... but his cat's really sick and I figured it'd be in poor taste. Now I realize it's not as cool as Steve having the Foo Fighters, Black Eyed Peas and other famous/powerful people stay at his hotel. And no I don't get to think about things like the fact that I booked a private bikini wax for Fergie from BEP (although after hearing about how she pissed herself on stage, I'm not sure I want to, and besides that "my humps, my humps, my lovely lady lumps" song is the most annoying freaking song out now). But dude Fugazi's a freaking legendary band and you have to laugh at the irony in the fact that the dude who played guitar on "Waiting Room" had to wait lord knows how long to be seen by the vet tonight.

Anyway loyal readers, I hope everything's going well with you. I hope you hear from me soon.


P.S. I'm going to be bringing back some old features and ideas I had before in an effort to keep me posting on a somewhat more regular basis. You should see the return of "Song of the Day/What I'm Listening to Now" and I'll get around to posting a list of every band I've seen in concert and eventually the Evans Manifesto. What say we start today?

What I'm listening to now: Zebrahead's "Playmate of the Year" and Fall Out Boy's "From Under the Cork Tree" + "Grand Theft Autumn (acoustic)"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last comment was just spam. Don't be too flattered, no offense. If you talk about things that receive a lot of hits when the spammers search, you'll get more (ie, the more random things you talk about, the more spam you get)

10:34 AM


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