Enjoy my random museings on life.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Recap Reset and Return

Well hello there! How are you? It's been too long. I know you're saying, wow I can't believe he's back to doing this again... I thought last time he promised us that he'd write more frequently, that it'd be a month tops... AND IT'S BEEN 5!!!! Well I have few reasons and once again no real excuses. I could say that my hiatus in posting started around the time of the slow demise of my last relationship... but that's crap. Sure I wrote a post about what happened and how I was sad but doing strangely fine... but I decided that was too stereotypical to actually post... "Whoa is me, my heart is in a thousand pieces, food and drink taste like ash in my mouth, nights are so cold, blah blah blah...." Besides... that wasn't me. Don't get me wrong it sucked but I did surprisingly well.

No, I have no real good excuse except I had nothing really good to say. Or was real good at being lazy when I did. But for some reason people still bring it up. Asking me if I've written lately or what happened to it... I'm not sure if they're making fun of me or not, but what the hell I've always been good at providing fodder for mockery.

Aside from being asked about it by a few people lately, the other reason I decided to start this up again was that Sunday was the Marine Corps Marathon... It was weird driving around the City/Arlington seeing everyone wrapped in foil with their medals and hugh grins on their faces... A) I realized I missed it a lot (that feeling of accomplishment and the shape I was in, don't get me wrong I'm not fat or anything, I just don't have anywhere near that energy level or strength) and B) I starting thinking about how much has changed in a year. A hell of a lot's happened, and while I like to think I'm the same basic person I've always been, I know I've changed a lot and things around me have changed a lot.

Incase you don't know, I'm still at the Animal Hospital, but I'm working the Overnights now. I really like it actually. I get a 3 and a half day weekend, the pay's great, the overnight guys are cool as hell, the doctors are all nice, fewer phones and crazy clients (now I just get the really crazy ones who want to bring their dog in because he's been vomiting for the last week and they finally decided to do something about it at 3 in the freaking AM).

Very few things to complain about at school, I'm taking 3 classes (two good ones one boring as hell). Much to my disappointment I haven't been to any concerts lately... But I've already been to two Skins games this season (they're 2-0 at games I attend) and I'm hopefully going to one more. I'm so excited about them this year, even after the thrashing they got from the Giants this past weekend. With any luck we'll be in playoff contention come December (more on this at a later date).

On the topic of sports I could blame my absence from bloggin on the collapse of the Orioles Season... god that was a train wreck... but you can never take those 3 months we were in First Place from me. God, I was so happy with how we were playing, we were beating the shit out of the Yankees and Red Sox, we had surprisingly great pitching, we were hitting well... mmm. But then the wheels fell off the proverbial wagon. What with 6 key players spending time on the DL, Sammy being a hughe disappointment, Raffy and his steroid scandal, Mazzilli being fired ect... They was sad times in Charm City. But hey, I'm really excited about Perlozzo, I couldn't contain my joy at the hiring of Mazzone, we're among the front runners for A.J. Burrnet... I know it's prolly false hope but I can't wait till next season. :-)

Anyway, it's almost 6am and people are going to start filtering in any minute now so I should jet. For those of you I owe emails too if you read this first I promise I'll write and send them soon... this last one was a crazy busy week. And hopefully this'll finally turn into a place to reflect and chronicle my life and musings... again, not day to day, but hopefully my next update will be sooner than April...

Until next time my faithful readers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

DOn't be hard on yourself. Hell, some of us have dropped completely off the face of the earth. And the last concert I went to was the Roots, but I worked, so it doesn't count really. And much like you, I'm off, work beckons, a long drive down 270 to Urbana calls after that, and who knows, maybe one day I'll come back in to the world. Rock on. - Marc.

8:05 AM


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