Enjoy my random museings on life.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My weekend and Selling out with me tonight...

Whoa what a night, Credit Card Machine was broken when I got in (still is, I'm just waiting for the last client here to leave before I try to fix it), I started off the evening with a call from a client with a relatively simple problem that quickly spiraled out of control (I probably could have handled it better if I was feeling well, but I definitely didn't bring my A game today, and I think she was looking to pick a fight, every resolution I gave her wasn't good enough or feasible for her... grrrr ) we've had people in here all night, and everything seems to have been coming in waves, just to fuck with me. Sigh... oh well enough bitching onto the good stuff.

Friday night was awesome, I got wrecked bar hopping from Capital Hill to Adams Morgan. And the great part of that was I got to spend it with different groups of friends, coworkers, Capcity people and people I used to hang out with but haven't seen in a long time... And I didn't have to drive, the lovely Angela did. Heh it was kinda funny though a chick dropped her cell phone and jumped in a cab before I could get her attention, so I picked it up and had every intention of trying to call a number on it and get it back to her, but by the time I remembered it (read: found it in my coat pocket on Sunday night and had to think for a good 2 min before I realized where it was from) the battery was dead and I don't have a charger for it. So if you happen to know a 20 something blonde who lost her Verizon phone on 18th St near the McDonald's Friday night, send her my way. Saturday was just a chill day, spent mostly recovering, having dinner with my folks and watching a movie before bed.

Sunday of course was the Super Bowl, the game itself was a bit of a disappointment (I talked about it some in The Sports Blog) (yes that was another example of shameless self promotion... bite me) but I had a blast. There were probably between 14-18 of us down at George and Mellen's place, mostly the Capcity group. The highlight was definitely the food, the last few years we've tried to include food from the regions the teams represent (ie last year George and Rob made amazing Philly Cheesesteaks) and this year we had Chipped Ham and Brats with onions and peppers. But above that we had our staples of JP's gut busting fully loaded Nachos and James' better than sex chili (ok not really better than sex but pretty freaking good). And yes it is sad when the food is the highlight of Super Bowl Sunday.

Alright, enough of this updating you on my life prattle, it's time to move on to the real reason I brought you all here today.

I've sold out.

Yes ladies and gentlemen it's true, some of you may already know... I've joined myspace.com. I refused to join facebook on principle (and in hindsite it's really ok seeing as how I'm not taking classes this semester) and had no real interest in joining myspace. But then I couldn't sleep today. Apparently baaaad things happen when I can't sleep... I saw that Matt and Robert had joined, people at work were talking about it... so I started to check it out, and once I saw all the bands and stuff who are "on" it, I crumbled in a moment of weakness. For as much as I'd like to I can't even use the immortal line from SLC Punk, "I didn't sell out, Son, I bought in. Keep that in mind." Nope I just gave in and submitted myself to the will of popular internet.

So if you want to check me out, or be my friend (please be my friend I only have 12, not that that's terrible, I've only really been on for like 19hrs but still...) you can find me here. And never fear I'm not going to stop posting here to blog there (I like and am way too comfortable with the format here to switch) I'm just going to post a link on myspace to here everytime I post here (yeah yeah, I know, another case of me shamelessly promoting myself... what do you want from me?!?!).

Anyway, hope things are going well in your world. I'll hit you back later.


WILTN: Pearl Jam - Yellow Ledbetter

P.S. Don't forget to check out http://www.myspace.com/BrianGEvans and maybe sign up if you haven' t already. (God I'm such a looser...)