Enjoy my random museings on life.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

But think about it. If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day.

I know there've been a lot of posts in the last 24 hrs but this is the last one I promise...

They played the "Jimmy V Men's Basketball Classic" today and it has to be one of my favorite sporting events every year. Not only is it a true sign that college basketball season is in full swing with 4 premier programs playing, it's also for a great cause, "The V Foundation for Cancer Research," that really strikes a chord with me (as some of you may know my grandmother died of lung cancer). I think my favorite part of it is how they show his famous "Arthur Ashe" acceptance speech at the '93 ESPY's. It's hands down my favorite speech. The speech writer in my cringes when I really think about it, it has no transitions and it's all over the place (not that I'm one to talk... just read these posts). But it's so... good. It's so heart felt, it's given with such emotion, it's so real. It brings me almost to tears everytime I hear him give it (sometimes when I just read it). I hope one day I can say something this powerful even if it's just to one person (I can't imagine being able to say it to the world).

Here's a link to the transcript, www.jimmyv.org, you all should read it. I don't usually solicit people, but give money if you can (I did) it really is a good cause.

Here are some of my favorite parts...

"When people say to me how do you get through life or each day, it's the same thing. To me, there are three things we all should do every day. We should do this every day of our lives. Number one is laugh. You should laugh every day. Number two is think. You should spend some time in thought. Number three is, you should have your emotions moved to tears, could be happiness or joy. But think about it. If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special."

The Vince Lombardi "Gentlemen, we will be successful this year" story that's way too long to post here.

"We need your help. I need your help. We need money for research. It may not save my life. It may save my children's lives. It may save someone you love. "

"I know, I gotta go, I gotta go, and I got one last thing and I said it before, and I want to say it again. Cancer can take away all my physical abilities. It cannot touch my mind, it cannot touch my heart and it cannot touch my soul. And those three things are going to carry on forever.
I thank you and God bless you all."


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I was in a real bad way/When you turned the power on.

Ok So I know I must have sounded like an idiot in that last post, promising a second post and then not delivering on it... And I swear I had one written, but as I was wrapping it up (I think I was even spell checking it) the building maintenance guy reset the circuit breaker that the computer I use is on and I lost everything. (I know I know you all don't believe me, I probably wouldn't either, but let's face it, I lie poorly and I'm not that creative.) Anyway I've tried to recreate the post, hope you enjoy.


PS. Huge bonus points if you know the lyrics in this post's title (without Googling them)

When I look in the mirror I see... Toby?!?!!?

So the last two days, Joe (one of the overnight Techs) has has said the same thing, "You know Brian, your dog looks a lot like you." I'm really not sure how to take that. I mean I know they say that a dog looks like it's owner... But I regularly call him funny looking and fat! (yes I know it's rude and yes he has been on a diet for a while and he has lost a lot of weight but still.) This all started when a client saw him through the pharmacy window (I've been dog sitting him while my folks are house hunting in Jersey and I take him to work with me and he chills in the pharmacy with me) (and yes I'm waiting for the day that he licks the floor and gets stoned) and remarked that he was such a character, Joe heard this and said, "Yeah so's his owner." A little while later he comes up and drops the "Toby looks like me bomb." And I think it's given me a complex.

I mean, I guess he's kinda cute in a funny looking way. And yes the girls here seem to (ok, do) get more excited to see him than me when they get here in the mornings. And yes he does have the ability to get girls to love on him for hours at a time (Lord knows Lauren and Katie squeal like little girls and go into baby talk mode whenever they see him showering him with affection). But still he's defiantly not a chick magnet, he's not big and manly enough for me to show off with and he's not a cute little puppy anymore (can anyone explain why girls are drawn to small things and babies like flies to honey?). He's basically useless, he doesn't really know how to play, he sleeps like 22 hours a day and when he's not sleeping he's either eating or demanding that you pet him (Chris got it right, it's like he's saying, "you have two hands... why aren't they petting me?") Do I really want to look like him?

Despite all of that I do love the little shit... he's (relatively) well behaved, doesn't pee on my floor, and really seems to like me (mom complains that he only gets excited when I come home, that he doesn't get riled up for her, dad, the UPS guy or any other visitors we get. She says, "You're defiantly his Boy.") I am going to miss him when they move to Jersey, dad jokes that he should stay with me, but let's be honest, not only would Tory kill him (and me for keeping him), Dad would miss him, he likes Toby a lot more than he lets on.

I guess they have a way of worming themselves into our hearts, I love having him around. I look forward to that aspect of when my parents go househunting. It's like they make our lives complete. I think I've heard a quote that goes, "Dogs might not be our whole lives, but they make our lives whole." I've decided that a place that'll allow a dog is a requirement for wherever I live next. I can't wait to have my own dog, I think 50-75lbs would be about right, doesn't matter what gender or breed (hell, mutts seem to be healthier and have fewer behavioral issues). A puppy to train on my own (and use to meet chicks) would be ideal, but there are way too many dogs that need to be rescued to be too picky.

Oh well, I have another 6 months before I really have to worry about all that. Until then Toby in all his weirdness will do. (But dammit I do not look like him!)


State of the Blog

Hello again faithful readers, you thought I'd forgotten about you again, didn't you? Admit it, you thought you were going to have to wait another month or two to hear from me again. Well lucky for you I didn't. This past week just exploded on me, it seems every night at work was busy and my classes decided to have everything due at once. Ah well, no sense in bitching about it now, it's done and now I'm back to posting for you.

What I will bitch about for a second is my reader response. First I get people harassing me asking, no demanding, a new blog entry. Now don't get me wrong, I love that you're interested and want to hear from me (and no you're not really demanding or harassing me, that's just exaggeration for dramatic effect) but this leads almost directly to my second problem. I've heard from more than one person about how this lovely page has suffered in quality lately (to quote Farrow, "Start writing better posts dammit!").

Unfortunatly I find myself having to agree with both groups. I would love to post everyday, and apparently people care enough (are bored enough at work) to enjoy daily postings. But frequent posts water down my content and drain me of my humor. I just can't live up to your demands, I'm sorry.

So what will I do about this? Not much. People may suggest I learn to write shorter posts, but I really find myself at a loss, when I get going I just like to talk (a lot). I'll probably just post like twice a week, unless something extraordinary happens that I just can't wait to tell you about or something inspires a rant (like this).

Don't worry, this won't be today's post, I've just decided to break it up by subject (and yes I'm going to date this one later than the next so you read this one first and it makes slightly more sense).
