Enjoy my random museings on life.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Today I didn't even have to use my A.K.

Yesterday was such a good day. I figure most people in blogs don't say enough about thier good days, but yesterday was really pretty solid... I woke up at 8:00am and that kinda blew. But then i finally got my class schedual worked out, but don't ask me what it is, aparently i can't remember it to save my life, just ask my boss. But anyway, after doing some more work in my closet i watched some of the inaguration with my parents. As you may or may not know my dad has an insanely large Hi-Def TV and all the stations were so excited about broadcasting it in HD (why the inaguration is as exciting as say... Football in HD I have no idea but still) so of course we watched it in HD. Unfortunatly Bush's ears don't look anysmaller in HD :p

After running some errands on my way back to DC, i turned on the TV to see ESPN doing a special on the '88 Redskins winning the superbowl. God that made me happy (I have a very vague memory of it, i like to count it as my first Football memory). But damn... we scored 35 pts in the 2nd quarter (a superbowl record still unbroken), Doug Willams the first Black quarterback to start in the superbowl (named MVP passing for 340 yards and 4 touchdowns) and rookie Timmy Smith in his first NFL start rushing for 204 yards. It was beautiful, especially punking John "I'm a whinny bitch" Elway with 3 INTs. It was funny it got to the point where I was almost late for work, but it was just so great to watch that i had problems tearing myself away from it.

Then work itself was great. I had alot of fun, I was busy and not bored, I knew all of my crap and I dont' think i needed to ask for help once. It was great. Then we went out for some drinks next door at babes (it's so funny seeing Doctors plastered, they're supposed to be all serious, and life saving and crap, but when one of them is slurring all her words and just acting drunk in general you can't help but laugh.)

Anyway things were really good yesterday with the exception of being so tired by the time i actually went to bed i was falling asleep while talking. Today was really good too, but chris and robert are dragging me to the malt shop so i've got to run... Talk at you later.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Take the money and run?

Songs of the day: Should I Stay or Should I Go? - The Clash & Take the Money and Run - Steve Miller Band

So I was home yesterday and got and interesting phone call from my dad. It seems that last week he talked to the Vice President of the group that I had worked for in Verizon the three summers I worked there. It seems that with Verizon and other telecom companies rolling out Fiber to the Home/Premesis (FTTP for short, it's a fiber optic cable directly to the home that can carry Cable TV, Telephone services, and 100 MB/Second internet services on one line, very cool and exciting technology) Verizon is hiring manager level people for the first time in 3-4 years. My old VP, Chuck, told my father that I should apply for a job with them. He meant a real full time job, I don't know the specifics yet about what that job would be or what the salary would be (it'd probably start at more than 35k a year), but I hope to find out some more tomorrow. Chuck said they'd be willing to overlook the fact that I haven't graduated school yet because of my history and experience with the company.

This is an amazing oppertunity for me, I can start working in the real world, my starting salary could possibly be better than anything I'd make as a teacher and I'd get full benefits. But there are alot of other problems with this idea. First off I'd have to work in Baltimore, and while doable it's one hell of a commute. I couldn't go to school full time I'd have to do night school so it would take me alot longer to finish (like it would probably take me another 4 years instead of 2 and things like observing and student teaching would be impossible). The other thing to consider is that I might really like working there and want to stay there and not pursue my dream of education... especially if I am making good money and grow accustomed to that lifestyle. The other thing is I hated my last summer working there... I think alot of it had to do with that perticular group I worked with, the fact that there was the possibility of a union strike looming all summer so everyone spent all their time preparing for that.

If I did decide to work there, I could always quit... If I hated it, found that taking classes and working there was too much, if I just wanted to get back into teaching I could save up and maybe pay for college myself... stop being a leech on my parents and let them firm up thier retirement plans and stuff... I don't know I have alot to think about and find out. I plan on talking to my father about it as soon as I can sit down with him (he's in Mass. until late tonight) It's a very odd feeling, knowing that sooner rather than later I could be entering the real world. It's alot to think about, especially because in all likelyhood I'll need to make my decision before the start of my semester. I'll keep everyone posted on what I find out and what I'm thinking, if anyone has any advice I'm more than willing to listen.

As always thanks for listening, i promise the next post'll be more light hearted ;-)